RMCC Journeys at Home

Dear RMCC members,

If you are on the RMCC Google Group list, you were recently invited on two Journeys at Home while we are waiting to get out on the waters — one to the Grand Canyon and one to the Bahamas.  If you are on the Google Group list, then you have already seen them and we hope enjoyed. 

We decided to archive (with permission) these and any other Journeys as Trip Reports on the website — especially for those that do not participate in the Google Group.  You can find the Journeys at https://rockymountaincanoeclub.net/category/trip-reports/.

If you want to ADD to any of the Journeys (pictures or memories from your own journey to the same/similar location) or initiate your own NEW RMCC Journey at Home, you’ll have to join the conversation on the Google Group!  To join our Google Group please submit at request at https://rockymountaincanoeclub.net/access-requests/access-request-google-group/.

In the meantime, stay safe.  

RMCC Officers