An invitation from Roger Faaborg of Poudre Paddlers. A chance to run the Class II (with a portageable CLass III) Poudre River with the experts. Note: this is not an RMCC trip.
The RMCC members are welcome to join us for this Filter Plant run. The weather is supposed to be good and the Poudre should be around 1500-1700 cfs, which is high enough to cover most rocks.
Roger Faaborg
Filter Plant Run
When: 1:00 pm Sunday, June 29, 2014
Where: Meet at Gateway Park. You don’t have to pay to unload your boat.
PFD, helmet, and boat flotation required.
Rating: Class II. Mad Dog is class III, but it can easily be portaged.
Description: Filter plant has many fun play spots. You should have experience with runs like the Town Run before floating Filter Plant. The lower Filter Plant below Mad Dog is without major rapids and is an excellent introduction to class II water. Arrangements can be made to meet the Filter Plant group at the start of this section. The take-out is at Lower Picnic Rock.
Contact info: Roger Faaborg, [email protected], (970) 669 4182