Access Request – Google Group

If you are a current member of the Rocky Mountain Canoe Club, then you may use this form to request an invitation to join the Rocky Mountain Canoe Club’s Google Group.  When you are a member of the this email group you will receive emails that other members have sent to the group.  Those emails are typically announcements for paddling gear for sale, upcoming events, announcing pick-up trips, and questions for the group. 

When your request to join the group has been approved you will receive an invitation in your email.  To get approved you need to be a current member of RMCC.

Keep in mind, this website is powered by ClubHosting.  You may receive an email from them confirming that you sent in a request to join the RMCC Google Group, which is not the invitation.  The invitation to join the Google Group will come from Google.

  • Your Contact Information

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.