Changes to RMCC website

What happened to the Boats and Equipment – Buy or Sell on the RMCC website? Why did I receive announcements for old trip reports? These are questions you may have.

Recently our website hosting company removed our ability to have forums, which is where we had Boats and Equipment – Buy or Sell and Trip and Outing Reports. In the absence of forums, the trip reports were converted posts, which automatically generate an email announcement. I apologize for the burst of old trip report announcements earlier this month.

This was a good time to reorganize the website with the intention of making our information easier to find. A new Calendar item has been added to the menu that will be useful for seeing what events have been planned. The calendar is searchable. Also, the Posts menu item will show all of our Club-News, Trip Reports, and Newsletters.

The best replacement for the Boats and Equipment – Buy or Sell is our RMCC Google Group. If you have not joined the RMCC Google Group you can request an invitation to join at
