Now that lottery permits have been announced (mostly pretty disappointing), we can move on with our spring plans! Check out the club calendar. It’s starting to fill! It’s also time to contact the Tripmaster ([email protected]) with more ideas of trips you are willing to coordinate so we can get them on the calendar!
In March, we’ve got 3 pool sessions scheduled (March 4th, 12th, and 18th), and two scheduled day paddles on the South Platte River!
Coming up in April, be sure you’ve got April 12 on your calendar for the virtual Trip Coordinator training (sign up with Bill.) There is a Lagerman Reservoir Saturday morning paddle, April 8. And, we are hosting a multi club boat demo day April 29, providing an opportunity to try out some different boats!
The May calendar is already full of multi-day trips–the Upper Missouri Wild and Scenic River, the Green River, Yampa River, White River, and Niobrara River. There are also some local day paddles and training opportunities. So, keep checking the calendar to see what’s coming up!