Get ready for the 2025 Rendezvous

Fellow Paddlers,

Although we may be in the depth of winter, it’s not too early to start thinking of the upcoming paddling season. For many of us a season highlight is the club’s annual Rendezvous. So here is the first informational email about it.

Dates: Friday August 1st through Monday August 4th

Camping: the club is planning to reserve two group sites

  • Group Site B: will be from Friday to Sunday
  • Group Site A: will be from Friday to Monday to accommodate folks that want boat or to just travel back on Monday
  • There are also 12 individual car camping sites (sites #5-#16) folks can reserve on their own if interested (sharing with fellow club members is encouraged)
  • Reservations open on March 1st and fill quickly so don’t delay if you’re interested in a private site. Link below will take you to the reservation site.

  • Note: this is a dry camp so there is NO WATER and NO ELECTRIC hookups at camp sites. Make sure to bring adequate water for your needs and have all your devices charged up, although our solar powered camper van can provide a charge up if needed.

Looking forward to a fabulous 2025 Rendezvous and hope you can join us. A follow up email will be coming out this spring with lots of details.

Craig & Nita Flora