RMCC has two canoes and associated equipment available for loan to Club members (see below). The canoes may be used for personal and club events on Class I and II waters. The Old Town Discovery is stored in Broomfield, CO; the Wenonah Cascade in Moab, UT.
See below for details and contact the RMCC Boat Master (includes designated representatives here and throughout the process) to make reservations and arrange pickup.
Requirements & Qualifying Experience
The equipment is stored and maintained by members of the club. Damages incurred are repaired, so as to keep the equipment in a safe and workable condition. Members that have damaged or lost the equipment are held responsible for full repair and replacement charges at the Officers’ discretion and final decision.
The member borrowing Rocky Mountain Canoe Club equipment must:
- be at least 18 years of age,
- have signed all RMCC waivers required for membership,
- provide a Coast Guard-approved type I, II, III or V Personal Flotation Device (PFD) for each occupant of the vessel,
- ensure that all occupants wear the above PFD at all times on the water,
- have a working knowledge of boating safety, general first aid, river equipment repair, and the techniques of boating navigation,
- have prior paddling experience in a water body similar to the difficulty of the waters on which they plan to use the equipment,
- have appropriate transport for the equipment, and
- have a working knowledge of how to care for the equipment, including but not limited to, proper transport of the vessel, e.g., not dragging the canoe on rocks nor using wooden paddles to pry in rocks, etc.)
To reserve the canoe or associated club equipment
- Check availability of the equipment with the Boat Master.
- Fill out and sign the Loan Agreement & Waiver Form (Loan Form)
- If the equipment is available and you meet the requirements & qualifying experience as outlined above, arrange a time for pickup and return.
- Take a printed copy of the Loan Form when picking up the equipment
- On the day of pickup, the renting member and Boat Master perform a walk-through inspection of the equipment for any damage, indicate damage on the form, and, if necessary, the Boat Master assists the member with loading the canoe for transport.
- The Boat Master collects a cash deposit of $100 and signs and dates the Loan Form to verify collection of the deposit. The borrower should take a photo of the Loan Form for her/his records.
To return the club equipment
- Coordinate a time and date to return the equipment to the storage location.
- The borrowing member cleans the canoe and other equipment before returning it.
- On the day of the return, the Boat Master and the borrower perform a walk-through inspection of the equipment for any damage.
- If no damage has been inflicted, the Boat Master returns the borrower’s cash deposit in full. If there is damage, she/he retains the full deposit until consulting with the RMCC president or other designated officer regarding additional charges for repair/replacement of equipment or a partial return of the deposit. The Boat Master and borrower record the amount of deposit return on the Loan Form and sign it. The borrower should take a photo of the Loan Form for her/his records.
- The Boat Master and borrower return the equipment to storage.