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Lagerman Reservoir Day Paddle Tuesday, April 26, 2022. Meet at 10 am. Launch at ~10:30 am

April 26, 2022 @ 10:00 am1:00 pm

Lagerman Reservoir is a wonderful destination for a paddle.  Besides views of Longs Peak and the Front Range, we will most likely be treated with a number of bird sightings including osprey and eagles.

Weather permitting, we will meet at 10:00 AM and be ready to paddle at 10:30 or so.

Directions:  Lagerman Reservoir is located between 63rd St and & 75th St (West of Longmont) and is south of Nelson Road and North of the Diagonal (hwy 119).  To get there, take either 75th to Pike Rd, then west on Pike to the entrance OR 63rd to Prospect, east on Prospect which will wind around and become Pike then continue to the entrance.  There are signs for Lagerman on both 75th and 63rd.  Lagerman is a Boulder County Open Space property.  There is no entrance fee and there is a restroom.

FYI:  This is an ACA- sanctioned trip and ACA membership OR $10 event fee required. RMCC  and ACA waivers required.

Link to Google Maps Lagerman Reservoir · 7100 Pike Rd, Longmont, CO 80503

For information and to sign up, please contact Anne Fiore <[email protected]>


April 26, 2022
10:00 am – 1:00 pm