RMCC Canoe classes for 2014

Again this year, the Poudre Paddler’s Instructors have graciously opened up their excellent canoeing classes to the RMCC members.  Take a look below at this announcement from lead instructor Eric Hermann (who, like nearly all the PP instructors, is an RMCC member).

Especially note two things: 1) you need to respond back to Eric by March 23; and 2) respond directly to him and please copy me – DON’T reply to this RMCC posting. Eric Hermann (ehermann@frii.com), Bill Ashworth (washwort@comcast.net)


Finally, Louise Richards is an ACA certified instructor for flat water and is interested in offering a flat water class somewhere in the Denver area (she lives in Idaho Springs). Please contact her directly if that peaks your interest (LouiseMRichards@aol.com).


It’s that time again: Days are lengthening and we are considering instruction needs for 2014.  If you have wishes not expressed in the menu, let me know!

Poudre Paddler Instruction, 2014

PP and RMCC Members,

Please respond by March 23 if you are interested in a class.

[Please note that the Instruction link on our website is last year’s.  We don’t have this year’s classes set yet]

It’s time for the instructors in the Club to plan the classes we will offer in the coming season.  To do this, I need to sample the interests of Club members.

1. First, we begin with this survey of interest, which will generate a list of likely


2. Then, we’’ll put these classes out on the website.

3. Finally, we will need some early and solid commitment—fees where applicable—to keep them on the calendar.  Too often instructors set aside dates in their personal calendars (We turn down other offers, including paddling dates!) and we put time into planning, including procuring permits, only to have people fail to show up.

To begin with, please refer to the Instruction link on our website.  This is not updated yet—it will be soon—but it gives you an idea of 3-4 offerings from last year.  We don’t know if Tuesdays on the Pond will continue—depends on Club input.

Now, here are some possibilities.  Responding does not guarantee we will teach the classes; it means that if a few people are interested, we move to Step 2, above.

Introduction to Canoeing/Flatwater Paddling: Basic canoe-handling- spins, turns, avoiding obstacles, staying afloat, selecting equipment, working as a tandem team (!), safety.  A one-day course.

Basic Canoeing and River BasicsLikely the weekend of May 18 and 19 :  Saturday for Basic Canoeing and Sunday for River Basics.  Basic Canoeing, includes strokes to be used in lakes and rivers: Forward and reverse strokes, turning strokes, side-slipping, stability, and safety, as well as equipment choices. Your strokes will be refined through demonstration, practice, individualized feedback and instruction. Communication and coordination between tandem partners will be discussed.

For the river portion, the students who instructors deem ready would apply the basic strokes to moving water (up to Class I+). The sequence of moves to accomplish eddy turns, peel outs, and ferries will be introduced and practiced. Boat tilts and other methods that also help you stay upright will be discussed and demonstrated.

Intro/Basic River Kayaking –  maneuvers and safety, beginning on a pond.  A roll and some river practice are possible as well.

Canoe camping training would be an onshore session to cover what gear to pack for camping or tripping and how to pack it into a canoe or sea kayak.  (Randy Knauff, former sea kayak guide, has offered to help if we have sea-kayak interest.)  We could even include a rafting component.)

River-Tripping would be more ambitious, and would involve an overnight camp on a lake or easy river.  To plan this we’d need commitment ($$) well in advance and we’d set a minimum number of students.

A safety class like the one described in the website.

A class combining adults and kids might be possible, too.

Do you have other wishes for Club instruction?

I look forward to your response.  That means you are quite interested in a class, though perhaps not fully committed to attendance.  Before March 23, please!




Eric Hermann

Instruction Coordinator