Wyoming Invasive Species Sticker

Here’s a reminder to all of us who will be paddling in Wyoming this summer (especially the folks signed up for my end of June North Platte trip). You’ll need an annual Wyoming Invasive Species sticker on your boat BEFORE you enter the state (its $15 for Colorado residents). THEN you’ll need to get the boat inspected once you enter Wyoming. Both of these are easy. I just ordered my sticker on line here https://wgfd.wyo.gov/elso/elsoaiswelcome.aspx

And there are inspection stations at most entry points and weigh stations within the state.  Apparently now you’ll also need to stop at all inspections within the state AFTER you’ve had your inspection but these won’t take any time.  If you have any questions after checking out the link, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Bill Ashworth