Annual Radium Rendezvous POSTPONED due to High Water – rescheduled to Aug 15-17

Despite my optimistic posting on Sunday, on further reflection and in consultation with a number of more experienced paddlers in the Club,  I’ve come to conclusion that the high flows on the upper Colorado and the Blue River (delivering about 3100 cfs at Radium this week) will make all but one of the traditional runs too challenging for beginning and low-intermediate paddlers. Therefore, this weekend’s event is postponed until mid-August.
Sorry for the inconvenience and late call and hope to see you on August 15-17
We’ve zeroed out the roster and are starting a new one from scratch, so let me know if you’re coming.  And here are some ways you could help out:

Be a Trip Coordinator for one of the Sat or Sunday runs

Partner with a beginner or novice

Set up and take down the group canopy (Fri night and Sunday after breakfast)

Loan a Dutch oven to a novice

Help with Pancake Breakfast on Sunday

Help organize the Dutch oven competition

Bring supplies for group supper

Bring firewood and manage a fire

Site clean-up and trash removal on Sunday morning

2014 RMCC Summer River Rendezvous flyer
Best regards
Bill Ashworth