Non-club trip this Saturday March 28

Yes the annual Joint Clubs South Platte was cancelled due to continuing flood-related problems at the Evans put-in BUT there is another NON-ACA, NON-RMCC alternative near Loveland.  Roger Faaborg of Poudre Paddlers (and RMCC) is leading a lake trip at Lone Tree Reservoir (see below) which he’s opened to non-PP members. I’ll be there and hope see others that can make it.


Class I paddle on local reservoir, everyone is welcome

Date and Time: 10:00 am, Saturday, March 28 to 2:00 pm

Meet at the Lone Tree southern boat ramp and we will circumnavigate the entire reservoir. You can just paddle part way if you want. We will see the south bay, heron rookery, north bay, and explore the inlet canal. Bring a sack lunch or snack as we will stop part way around and eat. Lonetree is nice because you don’t have to pay. The reservoir has a lot of water left over from last year.

Detailed information and directions:

Contact: Roger Faaborg, (970) 669 4182, You don’t have to RSVP, just show up.