Upcoming Trip Reminders – especially Deso-Gray in July

We lost some trips in April and May because of high water but we had some great Memorial Day trips and there are 4 more coming up soon – check them out on the web calendar where you’ll find all the details.

June 20 – Day Paddle at Gross Reservoir near Boulder

June 27 – Day Paddle on the Colorado between Dotsero and Hanging Lake

July  4th of July weekend on a Trio of Southwestern Rivers

July 11 – 18 Deso-Gray on the Utah Green* SPACE AVAILABLE

*Want to experience the beautiful scenery of canyons in central Utah?  The Green River in Utah through Desolation and Gray Canyons is a popular but very remote wilderness multiday float trip, known for its nice scenery, beautiful geology, varied wildlife sightings, moderate hiking and interesting historical locations. Most of the run is flat water floating but there are 60 rapids over the 84 miles that we’ll be paddling from Sand Wash to Swaseys Landing. Two rapids are in the class 3 range, while all others are class 2 or less.  We will plan to drive over early on 7/10 and launch the morning of July 11th spending 7 days (6 nights) on the river. This is not a novice trip but can provide a good whitewater workshop for those with basic skills and adequate equipment. A professional car shuttle service will be utilized. Per vehicle shuttle cost of $210 will be divided equally among trip passengers.

For more information about participating in this trip contact Bill Rivers at 303.682.0005 or 303.249.3588 (cell) or email billrivers@earthlink.net