Permit Party January 23 & Training ideas

If you want a preview of the exciting canoe trips being considered for 2016 as well as having a fun time with your fellow paddlers, be sure to add the Permit Party to your calendar on Saturday, January 23rd at 6:00 pm in Boulder. This is a pot luck with a “river food” theme so bring a dish, appetizer or dessert you would take on a canoe trip. For those of you who don’t want to coordinate a trip but have a trip suggestion, the permit party is the place to mention it. For those who already know you want to lead a trip next year, please give me a heads up by sending an email to before the party.

Now that you are thinking about next year’s Canoe Club activities, why don’t you send me suggestions for canoe training programs. For example, are you new to canoeing and want to learn the basics, do you want a moving water lesson, or maybe you feel comfortable on moving water but want to start challenging yourself on class 2 & 3 white water. Let us know how we can help you  get to the canoeing level you where wish to be. So in addition to letting me know what trips you want, include a sentence or two about the type of training you would be interested in for 2016.


RSVP to Kit Williams
