June’s Fantastic Floats

Start summer with an easy float down the South Platte or take a leisurely paddle around Gross Reservoir near Boulder with your paddling pals. Consider joining the Poudre Paddlers on its Wyoming Six Mile Gap trip for 3 days of beautiful scenery and thrilling class II water.

South Platte River: Brighton to Ft. Lupton     Tuesday June 7

This is a fairly mellow class I trip with one bigger drop near the beginning that can be portaged and a required portage around a dam. The trip is approximately 9 miles and is a great outing for beginners. Contact Clem McHale at clemmc33@gmail.com or 720-940-5381 to register.


Gross Reservoir, Boulder     June 11, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Please join us for a paddle and picnic on Gross Reservoir – a hidden gem in the foothills above Boulder. This Denver Water reservoir is nestled among beautiful Ponderosa Pine forests and Granite rock, affording 10 miles of shoreline and 440 acres of surface area paddling. We’ll enjoy a morning paddle followed by picnic lunch. Please RSVP to Bill Ashworth, 720-352-6456 or washwort@gmail.com by June 8th.


Poudre Paddler Six Mile Gap Trip      June 10-12

RMCC members are invited to join Poudre Paddler’s Six Mile Gap trip Friday through Sunday, June 10-12. It is a 38 mile trip with a Class II rating except for one class III rapid that can be portaged. Participants will camp two nights on the river and float from Six Mile Gap campground to Treasure Island. The water is interesting, the scenery is beautiful, and you are far from the maddening crowd. A full description of the float is available at http://www.rff.com/poudrepaddlers/SixMileGap2.htm. Contact Teresa Ukrainetz, TUkraine@uwyo.edu for more information and to register for this trip.



San Rafael River: north of I-70 or Dolores, Utah     June 10-12

This trip is full but a waiting list has been started. Contact Karen Amundson at canoekarena@msn.com if you wish to be placed on the waiting list.

North Platte River: Sanger to I-80     June 18-19

This trip has been postponed. Contact Kit Williams at kitrynwilliams@gmail.com for more information.