Annual Mtg. Photo Show

RMCC Paddling Photographers:

The Annual Meeting and Potluck is around the corner – Saturday Nov. 2.

See the RMCC Calendar for details.

Jeff Keeler has volunteered to more efficiently wrangle the photo presentations this year. Thanks Jeff!

Jeff invites you to send them to him BEFORE the meeting if possible, but you can also bring them to the meeting on a flash drive.

To show photos at the Annual Meeting, see these directions, attached and below:

  1. Selectively choose your best boating photos from 2019. 
    • Include RMCC trip photos – especially those that you don’t think your fellow paddlers will show
    • Include a few photos of non-club trips that will broaden our world of paddling
    • Cull your best to 20 or less
  2. If you have your photos selected before November 1, send them to Jeff
    • If you have only a few photos or small files, email them to Jeff at
    • If you have large files, you can upload them to our 2019 RMCC Annual Meeting Photo Sets Google Drive folder (see directions below)
  3. If you don’t have your photos selected by November 1, bring them to the Annual Meeting on a flash drive.  AND GIVE THEM TO JEFF BEFORE OR DURING DINNER.
  4. Jeff (and the Google Drive) can handle the following file types:
    • Individual .jpgs
    • Or an organized set of photos as a .pdf,.ppt, .pptx, or google slides
    • DO NOT send/bring anything that is exclusive to Apple products


**Access the 2019 RMCC Annual Meeting Photos Sets folder by clicking on or pasting this url into your browser:**Create a folder for your photos:

  • Click on the “New” button at the top left of the page
  • Click on “Folder”
  • Click on “Untitled Folder”; delete the name “Untitled folder”  and replace it with your last name
  • Click on “Create”

**Enter your new folder (i.e, the folder with your last name) by Double clicking on it

**Upload your photos into the folder

  • by opening your own computer’s pictures folder and dragging files from it to the “Drop files here” location OR
  • click on the “New” button again; click on “File upload”; open your computer’s picture folder; highlight the files that you want to upload; click “open” at the bottom of that screen.  And be patient if your WiFi is as slow as mine.  If it is slow, I suggest uploading a few at a time.

Last but not least – SHOW UP and tell your boating stories!

If you have trouble with the Google Drive, just bring your flash drive of photos to the annual meeting OR contact me to arrange a phone call and I’ll talk you through the upload.