As local boating winds down this month, we look forward to reviewing the year’s activities and reminiscing about our year’s experiences at the annual meeting in November. More on that later as we are working on date/time and logistics. We will certainly have either a virtual or hybrid meeting. Stay tuned.
With the annual meeting comes the important work of electing our officers for 2022. And we need volunteers!
Self Nominations:
** We are actively looking for nominations for Treasurer — 2021 was Kathy Ashworth’s fourth year in her second stint as Treasurer and she is ready to retire! We are currently setting up an on-line payment system (PayPal) for use next year, so it is a good time for a transition.
** Zach Allen is interested in turning over club equipment and his Quartermaster duties. We have potential for double-dutying our new BoatMaster — Miry Broughall, but would also welcome nominations for Quartermaster or simply help with equipment storage for Miry.
** Kit Williams is looking to mentor a new TripMaster to take over her duties. Kit is not known to simply wait for volunteers for any task, and a replacement TripMaster is no exception. So if you are interested in self nominating, step up and talk to me or Kit soon!
** Myself, as President, Bill Ashworth, as Membership Chair, Debbie Hinde as Instruction Poobah, and Dan Custer, as Webmaster with assistance from Pieter Bruintjes, are all willing (if elected) to serve for another year, but ALL of the officers would welcome volunteers as co-officers in our positions or nominations to replace us.
For more information on officer positions see our Job Descriptions document or contact me or any other officer for our perspectives. See the website Contacts page for email addresses.
Please consider joining the current officers in service to your club!
Our boating season continues in October with a pick-up trip on Barr Lake scheduled for Saturday, October 9 (contact me for details or meet at about 10:15 at the Barr Lake boat ramp), and an ACA-sanctioned paddle at Chatfield Reservoir on Saturday, October 16 (see the events calendar for details).