We have started to list scheduled trips and classes on our website events calendar. As events of interest to you appear, please read the calendar announcement AND any trip flyer to evaluate if the event is right for you. If it contains a specific procedure for signing up — follow the directions. If it does not contain specific directions, contact the Trip Coordinator (TC) to express — or reiterate — your interest in participating in the trip. Remember — choosing a trip on the on-line survey did not “sign you up.”
A few reminders and rules of our water road:
RMCC Sponsored trips, classes, and other events — river and flatwater — are listed on our event calendar and coordinated by volunteer members — the TC. Most of our trips and classes are ACA-sanctioned and require ACA membership — either an annual membership or an “event membership” accompanied by a $10 fee that we pass on to ACA. The club, officers, and individuals participating in ACA events are covered by our ACA liability insurance policy. See a summary of that coverage at: https://rockymountaincanoeclub.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ACA-2022-23-Insurance-Summary.pdf
Pick-up trips are organized by a member after advertising a proposed outing through the RMCC Google Group. They are NOT ACA-sanctioned and are not listed on the RMCC event calendar. They do not require ACA membership (neither annual nor $10-fee event membership) and are NOT covered by our ACA club liability insurance. We, of course, encourage adherence to safe boating practices for these boating activities as well.
An RMCC trip TC is a “coordinator”, not a “guide”, but has final say on who goes and how the trip goes — as long as ACA and RMCC requirements are followed. Being a club member and expressing interest in a trip does not guarantee anyone a slot on a trip. TC approval is necessary — in whatever way the volunteer TC chooses to handle it. The venue may limit the size of the group, but a TC might want a smaller group than is allowed. A TC might exclude participants with a certain type of boat (inflatable, dory, short or solo canoe) because they are unlikely to keep pace with the group or if the boater’s skills, safety practices or group interactions might interfere with a successful trip. In the age of covid, a TC might require full vaccination of participants or specific safety precautions. TC requirements might go beyond (but not against) club requirements, but they are their choice to make as a volunteer TC.
Regarding necessary boating skills, ACA “Risk Management Requirements”, specify that TCs should know the skill levels required for the activity they are organizing, and should use reasonable screening techniques to ensure that participants have the skills necessary for the activity. To avoid awkward situations, TCs should disclose skills requirements to potential participants before they travel to participate in an activity. But first, and foremost, individual participants must know their own skill levels and should avoid conditions for which they are not prepared. All members and guests recognize by signing the RMCC and ACA liability waivers, that they are responsible for their own choices and actions during an event.
To participate in RMCC trips, all TCs and participants should be familiar with:
— ACA Risk Management Requirements at: https://rockymountaincanoeclub.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/ACA_Risk_Mgt_Requirements_20.pdf
— RMCC Boating Requirements and Recommendations at: https://rockymountaincanoeclub.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/RMCC-Boating-Requirements-and-Recommendations-2020.pdf
And finally, please reread the RMCC and ACA waivers you sign. KNOW what you are agreeing to! Boating with RMCC comes with risks and responsibilities.
— RMCC waiver: https://rockymountaincanoeclub.net/rmcc-waiver-membership/
— ACA waiver — either for an annual or event-specific membership — at https://americancanoe.org/wp-content/uploads/documents/insurance_documents/adultwaiver2021_english_.pdf
We have a lot of great trips and classes already being scheduled. If you have RMCC policy questions, please contact me. If you want to coordinate a trip, contact TripMaster Brookie. Go to Contacts.
I look forward to seeing you on the water this season.
Kathryn Mutz, RMCC President