Aug 12 North Platte below Glendo trip report by Trip Coordinator Bill Ashworth

14 RMCC members spent a lovely August Saturday paddling the North Platte in Wyoming between Glendo and Guernsey reservoirs. This section finishes with a Class II rapid and exciting standing waves at the bottom of Wendover Canyon.

We do this trip every year with expected challenges (i.e. will a coal train block the Cottonwood Creek road BEFORE or AFTER our take out – fortunately neither this year) and unexpected challenges (i.e. will the closure of the wetlands causeway prevent launching at the Glendo Powerhouse – we were sneaky in meeting the letter if not the spirit of the regulations and launched without too much difficulty)

After launching and reassembling at the normal boat ramp, our flotilla of tandem canoes, inflatable canoes, kayaks, and IKs made our way to Lunch Island and were accompanied by a number of bald eagles all along the way (or by a couple who decided to fly with us all day). Sadly, there were no flips in the rapid or standing waves to entertain the paddlers but a wonderful potluck back at Two Moon campground more then made up for the lack of mayhem on the water.

Gary, Anne, and Jim had scouted the North Platte above Glendo on Friday afternoon, but found no really good put-ins for a paddle into Glendo but we’ll explore even further upstream next year (perhaps to Douglas) for a suitable Sunday trip extension.

Thanks for Alan and Randy for the photos

Date: Saturday August 12 Weather: warm and clear River Flow: 4400 cfs

JIm and Bill in the 16′ SOAR lead the group
Landing at Lunch Island
River bank above the canyon
Entering Wendover Canyon
Canyon walls