Spring is in the air–almost. Trip planning is ramping up now that most of us have received our lottery results. So, below I am listing some upcoming events to take note of. Check out the calendar for details!
Yesterday was our third of four pool sessions this winter. Next Saturday will be the last (it’s full). Fun was had and skills were gained and refreshed! Thank you Debbie, for organizing this! And, thanks to the volunteer clinic leaders and helpers, as well as the day hosts.
We’ve got several March trips coming up that are now open for sign ups.
March 9 South Platte River: Brighton to Fort Lupton. Saturday March 9, 2024
March 30 is the All Clubs Paddle. South Platte River, from Evans to Kersey (or Kuner).
Looking forward to April, there will be several (highly recommended!) Trip Coordinator trainings–virtual and in person:
Tues., April 16, 7 pm MDT on-line
Wed., April 17, 7 pm MDT on-lineSat., April 20, 9 am MDT. in person (location TBD)
May will bring more training as well as multi day trips.
May 4, Canoe Rigging and Packing Class
May 5-11, Upper Missouri National Wild & Scenic River, “White Cliffs” / “Missouri Breaks”
May 7-8, Yampa River, South Beach to Duffy Mountain, through Little Yampa Canyon. Class I
May 18-20, White River, Rangely CO. Class II. Note: Sign ups begin March 15May 24 -27, Niobrara River Memorial Day
In June (likely June 7-9), we are anticipating a North Platte – Saratoga to I-80 trip. Watch the calendar for details later this month.
And, Save the Date for this year’s Rendezvous, August 2 – 5!
Again, keep your eye on the club calendar for details and additions!
RMCC Tripmaster
[email protected]