Two new trips posted: Arkansas & Glendo to Guernsey

We have added two new trips to the RMCC’s event calendar, a chance to sample 4 different runs on the Arkansas River near Salida and a weekend trip on the North Platte River in Wyoming from Glendo Reservoir to Guernsey Reservoir.

Arkansas River: Salida area, July 1-4

Explore the Arkansas River near Salida through 4 individual day trips ranging from 6-10 miles a day through class II and III water. Although some of the rapids having long continuous sections, this will not be the classic/bigger rafting/kayaking sections. Exact itinerary and paddling plan to be decided close to trip dates; dependent on water flows and weather. Participants can choose to paddle any or all four days. Fees include a $3 per day river permit. Please contact Lyn Berry at  or  (719)395-3887 if you are interested in this trip.

Glendo to Guernsey: North Platte River in Wyoming, July 16 – July 17

RMCC members and quests are welcome to float the North Platte River from Glendo Reservoir almost to Guernsey Reservoir. This is a fun, day long paddling trip and I hope you can join us. It is Class I+ with one Class II section of standing waves that can be avoided; helmets required here. The float is on Saturday, July 16.  We will be camping in Two Moon Campground in Glendo State Park on Friday night before the trip as well as Saturday night for those attending an optional  potluck. Get full details for this trip at or contact trip Coordinators: Bill and Kathy Ashworth;; 720-352-6456.