Wanted — Community Space for our Fall (November?) Meeting

It  has been — and continues to be — a wonderful summer of paddling.  We are on schedule for surpassing recent years for membership and attendance at events and for logging a robust number of scheduled trips and trip coordinator volunteers.  

Now it is time to schedule the fall meeting — usually held in November.  Last year we graduated from cramming ourselves into members’ houses to renting a wonderful residential community center in Broomfield — thanks to Mat Bozek.  True to form, Mat is out paddling the wilds of Alaska and not available to check on availability (I should have asked him at Rendezvous!)

Any ideas for a centrally located, metro-Denver venue?

Preferably a Saturday — November 3, 10, 17 or December 1.

Please email or call Kathryn at [email protected] or 303-499-1092 with ideas.