New GPS Data and Site Map pages

GPS Data Page

I’m happy to announce the new GPS Data page on the RMCC website. You can find a link to the GPS Data page under Resources in the main menu. The GPS Data page has a collection of GPS data files for paddling trips that can be downloaded and used to populate a GPS.  The GPS could either be a traditional handheld unit or a smart phone app, such as GAIA GPS, OnX, or MotionX-GPS.

A big thank you to Henry Williams, who has shared the majority of the GPS data files, giving the GPS Data page a good start.

If you would also like to share any of your GPS data files, preferably in GPX format, please contact me at

Site Map Page

In the main menu, under About, is a link to the Site Map page that contains an annotated outline of the RMCC website. If you are looking for specific information on the website but are not sure where to find it, the Site Map may help.