Club Equipment to Loan: New list and request for a canoe transport from the ACA Open Canoe Slalom Championships in Canon City

Thanks to generous donations — recent and upcoming — we are expanding our loaner equipment.

We have recently received a variety of items, including several paddles, from non-member Bill Whitaker, a new canoe cart with large wheels from member Randy Purrett, and a whitewater canoe (14′ Dagger Caption — fitted for both solo and tandem paddling) from member Paul Lang. Thanks VERY much to Bill, Randy and Paul!

The paddling accessory items have been added, along with several photos, to our Club Equipment page. Thanks Dan and Miry! All of these items are available to members to borrow for both club and private trips.

The canoe will soon be added to our Canoe Loans page — Both this new canoe acquisition and our Old Towne Discovery 158 tandem are available to members only for club trips.

Request for help — The Dagger Caption will be available for use at the ACA Open Canoe Slalom Championships in Canon City July 5 – 7 (practice) and 8 – 10 (competitions). See the competition website for more information on the competition and practice sessions. While Anne Fiore has offered to store the Dagger Caption for us after the competition we are looking for someone attending the Slalom competition to bring the canoe back to the metro area. Anne lives in Longmont. Please contact me at [email protected] if you can help.

Kathryn, RMCC President

P.S. Volunteers are still needed for the Slalom Championships AND Online Registration for competitors ends tonight! See the competition website for more details.