The Dolores River trip includes beautiful canyons with a few nice side hikes. It is 50 miles with 3 class III rapids the last day. This trip is currently scheduled for May 21-23 but May weather can bring big winds, cold, and hail. The Bureau of Reclamation plans to release McPhee Reservoir water from May 17 until June 11 this year, peaking midway at 2000cfs – – assuming the snowpack maintains its current impressive levels. The last release was in 2011, so this is Exciting!
If water levels don’t allow us to run the Dolores River, the backup plan is for the following individual day trips in the Pagosa Springs allowing paddlers to choose from a variety of runs.
May 21 — Harder run: San Juan from Pagosa to south 13.4 miles; class III- that needs 800-1500cfs; backup is Racecourse (Pilar, NM), Chama day run, or Piedra. Easier run: Piedra River from near hwy 160 to Navajo Reservoir; class I; unlikely to need a backup.
May 22 — Harder run: Conejos River Pinnacle Gorge (below Platoro Reservoir) 6.4 miles; class III; needs 300 to 1000cfs (?); backup as above. Easier run: Conejos River below Pinnacle Gorge; class II; needs 300 to 1000cfs (?); possible barbed wire; backup is lower Animas or San Juan below the Navajo Reservoir dam.
May 23 — Harder run: Rio Grande near Creede 6.5 miles; class III; want >500cfs; backup not defined. Easier run: Rio Grande from Wagon Wheel Gap to South Fork for up to 15 miles; class II; want 600-2000cfs; backup is the Arkansas from Florence to Pueblo Reservoir.
Contact Karen Amundson at [email protected] to for more information or to register for this trip.