RMCC North Platte WY Glendo to Guernsey July 11

Glendo WY Glendo, Wyoming

RMCC members and guests are welcome to float the North Platte River from Glendo Reservoir almost to Guernsey Reservoir. This is a fun, day long paddling trip and I hope you can join us. It is Class I+ with one Class II section of standing waves that can be avoided; new RMCC Class II and […]

RMCC Radium Rendezvous Aug 6 – 8 2021

Radium Campground

Join us for the annual summer RMCC get-together! Day trips, camp cooking competition, potluck supper, pancake breakfast, etc. Trips available for all skill levels (Class I, Class II, and Class III).  This will be an ACA-sanctioned outing/event which requires EITHER ACA membership OR a $5/person insurance fee and helmets for all Class II sections and above. Due to space […]

RMCC North Platte River July 16 2022

Glendo WY Glendo, Wyoming

RMCC members and guests are welcome to paddle the North Platte River from Glendo Reservoir almost to Guernsey Reservoir, a distance of almost 20 miles. This is a fun, day long paddling trip and I hope you can join us. It is Class I+ with one Class II section of standing waves that can be […]

North Platte River Glendo to Guernsey Aug 12 2023

Glendo WY Glendo, Wyoming

RMCC members and guests are welcome to paddle the North Platte River from Glendo Reservoir almost to Guernsey Reservoir, a distance of almost 20 miles. This is a fun, day long paddling trip and I hope you can join us. It is Class I+ with one Class II section of standing waves that can be […]

Smith River, if there is water (TRIP FULL AGAIN – waitlist restarted; no plan for Missouri Breaks alternative)

Smith River, MT

Our Smith River, MT trip October 1 – 7, 2023 (plus driving) trip is full again.   The Smith River, from Camp Baker to Eden Bridge is a 59-mile, Class II reach through beautiful limestone canyons (see the Floater Guide).  The 4 night ‘high-season’ limit for the reach does not apply to this October trip.  Consequently, […]

Cancelled – North Platte River Glendo to Guernsey Aug 10 2024

Glendo WY Glendo, Wyoming

Although RMCC is cancelling the North Platte Glendo to Guernsey trip, Poudre Paddlers has scheduled the same trip on the same weekend and extends an invitation to RMCC members to participate. To sign-up or for more information, contact co-hosts Roger Faaborg (rogerfaaborg@gmail.com) or Craig Godbout (cgodbout@live.com). By the way, both Roger and Craig are also […]