RMCC Event Update

Note:  In Brookie’s absence, please contact Anne Fiore at [email protected] if the calendar needs to be updated.

June boasted one paddling trip: Judy Moisey Asay ([email protected]) led a two night, 3 day trip on the North Platte River in Wyoming from Saratoga, WY to I-80.

Also in June were 3 volunteer events that RMCC members participated in:

Saturday, June 29: Kathryn was a land-based volunteer for the 5th annual Diversify Whitewater Community River Float on the Poudre River.  She helped with set-up and registration for both volunteers and participants, including a dozen kids.  Volunteers included the paddle raft guides, safety kayakers, Larimer County Open space folks, and miscellaneous land helpers.  Kathryn says it was a very well organized event with lots of people, equipment and ‘down-time’ for conversation at both Picnic Rock and the put-in at Gateway Park.

Tuesday, June 25: Kathryn helped at an event hosted by New Treks at Chatfield Reservoir.  New Treks is a non-profit dedicated to exposing low-income middle and high school students to the outdoors — hiking, camping, climbing, and boating. They work through Denver Public Schools and transitional housing programs. 

7 kids, ages 6 – 9 (6 boys and a girl) from an organization named Beyond Home attended as well as New Treks and Beyond Home staff. 

Boating included dead fish polo and tag but most time was spent paddling in and out of the trees along the shore — a nice place to go fast, get stuck on branches and learn a little about boating technique.  A couple kids were in their own kayaks; two small kids were in a solo kayak with an adult. Kathryn and another staffer shared a canoe with 2 kids.

Monday, June 17:  Debbie at another event hosted by New Treks at Sloan’s Lake.  6 kids attended from an organization named Warren Village as well as New Treks and Warren Village staff. 

The paddling volunteers started with a brief safety talk & paddle stroke demonstration/participation.  Then, once all boats were in the water, the Dead Fish Polo game started.  They all really loved it!  And all who were nervous and/or not wanting to paddle played hard and were very competitive!

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, July 11, or Monday August 5:  Paddle with kids at Chatfield Reservoir!

New Treks is a non-profit dedicated to exposing low-income middle and high school students to the outdoors — hiking, camping, climbing, and boating. They work through Denver Public Schools and transitional housing programs.

 The boating outings will be held at Chatfield reservoir with their own small fleet of kayaks and a couple of canoes.  They’d like a couple of boaters (with our own boats) to join in a paddle day with the kids. Though there is some very basic teaching of paddling strokes and basic safety, the goal of the events is for groups of about 12 kids to have fun in the outdoors by getting out and giving paddling a try.  

If interested in volunteering or for more information about RMCC involvement, please contact Kathryn Mutz at [email protected].

July 13-15:  Lewis River into Shoshone Lake, Grand Teton National Park.

Paddle through Lewis Lake and up the Lewis River into Shoshone Lake. Contact Chris Kelly at [email protected] for more info.

July 17 – July 23: Flaming Gorge Reservoir 2024 Exploratory

This a flatwater outing with day trips to explore the nooks and crannies at Flaming Gorge Reservoir.  

Contact Gary Cage at [email protected] with the Subject “Flaming Gorge” for more info.

August 2 – 5: Rendezvous at Radium:

Our annual Rendezvous on the Colorado River is scheduled for the first weekend in August.

August 24 & 25: Colorado River Trip: Cisco Landing to Lower Onion Creek

Karla T. is coordinating this weekend trip (near Moab, UT) and will consist of 2 day-paddles, with car camping or Moab hotel stays in between. Saturday’s paddle will be a flatwater, somewhat remote 16-mile section of the Colorado River through desert and ranchland from Cisco Landing to Dewey Bridge. And, Sunday’s paddle will be 8 miles of Class I water thru spectacular red rock canyons from Dewey Bridge to Lower Onion Creek Campground, with an option to continue downriver & paddle the “Moab Daily” section (Class II to II+). Contact Karla Tanner at [email protected]

September 10 – 13: The Meander Canyon Trip

This trip, co-coordinated by Randy Purrett ([email protected]) and Karen Amundson ([email protected]) is full. Contact them for more details and to be added to the waitlist.

More summer and fall trips will likely be added to the calendar, so keep an eye out. Thanks again to all who are coordinating trips!

Anne Fiore, helping out our Tripmaster, Brookie!

[email protected]